Recipe Jul 11 Written By Sarah Truesdell PrintCherry CheesecakeYield: 1 8-cinch cheesecakeAuthor: Sarah TruesdellAdapted from "Cordon Rose Cream Cheesecake" by Rose Levy BeranbaumIngredientsFor the Cheesecake16 ounces cream cheese (2 bricks Philadelphia, do not use "organic" or other "natural" cream cheese)1 cup granulated sugar3 large eggs3 tablespoons lemon juice2 tsp vanilla extract1/4 tsp salt3 cups sour cream3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs or other cookie crumbFor the topping10 ounces fresh or frozen cherries, pitted1/2 cup sugar4 1/2 tsp cornstarchpinch of salt1/8 tsp almond extractInstructionsMake the cakePreheat oven to 350℉.Prepare pan by greasing sides of an 8-inch by 2 1/2 inch spring form pan and lining bottom with parchment or wax paper. Wrap outisde of pan with a double layer of heavy duty foil to create a water-tight situation for the pan. For wide foil that will cover bottom and up all sides with one piece, just cut out two squares of foil and lay on top of each other. Place cake pan on top and gather foil up the side. Think of the way a potted plant is wrapped by a florist. If you have standard width foil, cut out two rectangles and lay in a cross. Place pan in the center and gather up around. See the video for help with wrapping the pan.In a large mixing bowl with a whisk attachment, cream together cream cheese and sugar for three minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating between additions. Scrape down sides of the bowl as needed.Beat in lemon juice, vanilla, and salt. Beat in sour cream until blended completely (try not to whip air into the batter).Pour batter into the prepared pan. Set wrapped pan into a large pan that is at least 1 1/2 inches tall, such as a roasting pan. Pour in enough hot water into this outer pan to get about 1 inch of water. Bake for 45 minutes. Turn off oven and let cake cool in the oven for an additional hour. Remove cake from oven and cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic and refrigerate overnight. Run a thin spatula around sides of pan and under bottom to loosen. Remove outer ring. Place a plastic wrap lined board or plate on top of the cake and flip upside down. Remove the bottom carefully. Pat cookie crumbs on bottom to form a base. Invert onto serving platter. See the video for visual.Make the toppingPit cherries.In a medium sauce pan, combine cherries, sugar, cornstarch and salt. Allow to macerate for 20-30 minutes.Cooke over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil. Continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in almond extract. Spoon onto cold cheesecake.Did you make this recipe?Tag @sugarbysarah on instagram and hashtag it #bakewithsarahla Sarah Truesdell
Recipe Jul 11 Written By Sarah Truesdell PrintCherry CheesecakeYield: 1 8-cinch cheesecakeAuthor: Sarah TruesdellAdapted from "Cordon Rose Cream Cheesecake" by Rose Levy BeranbaumIngredientsFor the Cheesecake16 ounces cream cheese (2 bricks Philadelphia, do not use "organic" or other "natural" cream cheese)1 cup granulated sugar3 large eggs3 tablespoons lemon juice2 tsp vanilla extract1/4 tsp salt3 cups sour cream3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs or other cookie crumbFor the topping10 ounces fresh or frozen cherries, pitted1/2 cup sugar4 1/2 tsp cornstarchpinch of salt1/8 tsp almond extractInstructionsMake the cakePreheat oven to 350℉.Prepare pan by greasing sides of an 8-inch by 2 1/2 inch spring form pan and lining bottom with parchment or wax paper. Wrap outisde of pan with a double layer of heavy duty foil to create a water-tight situation for the pan. For wide foil that will cover bottom and up all sides with one piece, just cut out two squares of foil and lay on top of each other. Place cake pan on top and gather foil up the side. Think of the way a potted plant is wrapped by a florist. If you have standard width foil, cut out two rectangles and lay in a cross. Place pan in the center and gather up around. See the video for help with wrapping the pan.In a large mixing bowl with a whisk attachment, cream together cream cheese and sugar for three minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating between additions. Scrape down sides of the bowl as needed.Beat in lemon juice, vanilla, and salt. Beat in sour cream until blended completely (try not to whip air into the batter).Pour batter into the prepared pan. Set wrapped pan into a large pan that is at least 1 1/2 inches tall, such as a roasting pan. Pour in enough hot water into this outer pan to get about 1 inch of water. Bake for 45 minutes. Turn off oven and let cake cool in the oven for an additional hour. Remove cake from oven and cool to room temperature. Cover with plastic and refrigerate overnight. Run a thin spatula around sides of pan and under bottom to loosen. Remove outer ring. Place a plastic wrap lined board or plate on top of the cake and flip upside down. Remove the bottom carefully. Pat cookie crumbs on bottom to form a base. Invert onto serving platter. See the video for visual.Make the toppingPit cherries.In a medium sauce pan, combine cherries, sugar, cornstarch and salt. Allow to macerate for 20-30 minutes.Cooke over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil. Continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in almond extract. Spoon onto cold cheesecake.Did you make this recipe?Tag @sugarbysarah on instagram and hashtag it #bakewithsarahla Sarah Truesdell