Class Information


Butter: Please consider preparing your butter in advance. Use the large side of a box grater to grate 6 ounces (12 tablespoons) of cold, unsalted butter. Cover the grated butter and hold in the freezer until class begins. You can also dice the butter very small, but using grated butter will make the mixing go MUCH faster during class.

Apples: We need to peel apples for this class. I will be peeling and chopping apples during class. However, if you know that peeling and chopping will take you a while, or you are working with your child, you can peel and dice in advance. Hold your diced apples in cold water with lemon juice mixed in until class begins.

No other preparations are necessary. Please do not premeasure to take any other advance steps. If you have any questions, shoot me and email at


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