
TUESDAY - Quickbread and Pastry

Make Cornbread and Handpie Crust.

There are hundreds of cornbread recipes. THE RECIPE is the one you like best. But I really like this one. It is quick to put together and we’ll use the rest of class to work on the crust for our handpies.


Chicken Handpies

WEDNESDAY - Savory Pastry

Make Chicken Handpies & Gougères.

This class will be devoted to assembling the handpies. While the handpies bake, we will make gougères (cheese puffs). This is a great cheese snack that looks impressive and freezes really well.

We will do all the chopping and cooking together.

Chicken Handpies


THURSDAY - Bread & Crackers

Make Bagels & Cheez-its

My new favorite thing to make at home! We’ll make bagels and I’ll show you two ways to create that bagel shape. We will also makes some homemade cheez-its with the hard cheese of your choice.


Cheese Crackers

FRIDAY - Stuffed Bread

Make Piroshki.

Piroshki are Russian/Ukranian hand pies (Pirog is the Slavic word for “pie), but they are made with a yeast risen dough and a little more like a savory donut or stuffed bun. Fillings for piroshki are pretty limitless and can be sweet or savory. We’ll make potato ones or cabbage ones. Loosen your belts!



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