
July 26-30, 2021 9:30am Pacific Time

Classes last between 2-3 hours


Meeting ID: 885 4384 3006

Passcode: sugarfree


Before each day, please review the recipe that is posted for that day and make sure that butter and other refrigerated ingredients are at the temperature indicated. Have ingredients handy, but please do not pre-measure or take any other preparatory measures unless I specifically instruct. Part of learning to bake is learning to measure out and prepare ingredients. Also, when campers try to “prep” or “get ahead” they sometimes do things incorrectly or end up bored for the time the rest of class is busy. If you feel like you need to prepare something ahead of time for whatever reason, please contact me to make sure it won’t interfere with the class process for your camper. Thanks!

Classes will be recorded. The recording will only capture my cameras and not any of the kids, but their voices may be recorded. Videos will be made available to participants for download via password protected videos on Vimeo.


Make sure to reach out to me via email or the comments section below about substitutions. Successful baking substitutions require knowledge of what each ingredient is doing for the recipe. Some things can be replaced or switched out with out a problem, but not all things.

